Smart 3-Phase Automatic Switch-over System

In India, phase swap is a common problem. In 3-Phase household power supplies, phases are frequently swapped by the Power stations. As a result of this, the 3 phases go out of sequence and all 3-Phase devices like Borewell water pumps, stop working, until phases are swapped to correct the Phase sequence.
This Smart 3-Phase Automatic Switch-over system keeps monitoring the incoming phase sequence. As soon as it senses a swap of phases it automatically re-swaps the phases and corrects the phase sequence. This way all your 3-Phase devices always keep working irrespective of switching of phases from the Power Station.

Automatic Phase sequence detection & correction

This system keeps monitoring the phase sequence of incoming 3-Phase power supply. The moment it senses incorrect sequence, automatically corrects the sequence.

Remote monitoring over the Cloud

We can monitor current state of the incoming 3-Phase power supply remotely from anywhere in the world, through the internet.
We can also check current sequence of the incoming 3-Phase power supply.

Install & forget

Once this system is installed, it is maintenance free.
You never need to check and manually correct phase sequence, when your 3-Phase devices stop working due to a phase swap at the Power Station.

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